Peacock Challenge
The rich, iridescence a peacock’s tail have attracted attention from time immemorial. Artists especially been fascinated by the subtle, changeable colors in both the feathers and the eye. Our challenge this summer is to use the peacock’s tail feather as an inspiration — and as the basis for the creation of a piece of fiber art.
Feathers will be available on the shelf in the hall outside the studio and are available at any time. We ask that each person take no more than 4 feathers when they sign up for the challenge. Have fun with it – weaving, spinning, felting, knitting – or any other way the feather moves you.
As always, the challenges will be displayed at the Harvest Festival on September 8 at the Bayfront Festival Park. Please label your project with your name and either bring it to the guild’s booth on the morning of the festival or drop it off in the studio by September 4. Let’s show everyone how much additional beauty can be created from a feather!