Spring into Sprang!!
Sprang is an ancient twining technique which predates knitting. Carol James will be teaching a sprang workshop hosted by the Duluth Fiber Handcrafters Guild this February.
Sprang is an ancient twining technique which predates knitting. Carol James will be teaching a sprang workshop hosted by the Duluth Fiber Handcrafters Guild this February.
Expand your fiber arts to your gardens in 2020! Join us in experimenting with fiber and color.
The felting study group met on January 10 to create felted vessels. The vessels incorporated plant matter including lichen, hydrangeas, Birch bark, Yellow Dock, marigolds and other dried flowers.
In early 2019 we will be shutting down the Yahoo! email group (DFHGUILD@yahoogroups.com) and replacing it with a Groups.io email. The Yahoo! Groups platform is no longer supported and becoming increasingly unreliable. It also no longer allows us to send... View Article
Mark your calendars! The annual Fiber Guild Holiday Fair & Sale will be held on Saturday, November 17, 2018. New for 2018, we are joining forces with the Duluth Art Institute for their HoliDAI sale. In addition to unique, handcrafted... View Article
Marian Dahlberg from Väva! Veve! led a workshop on October 6, 2018 – giving lucky weavers an opportunity to weave with linen yarn and to achieve the classic center stripe and Dahlberg’s signature hanging tab. Weavers created 24×24” hand towels... View Article
It's time to start working on your challenge to be displayed a the 2018 Harvest Festival. Start creating with the subtle, changeable colors of peacock feathers!
Email newsletters cost the guild virtually nothing, so members who receive their newsletters via email are making an extra contribution to the guild with their dues. To thank you, we will again be having an "email only" raffle in December.
Our guild is proud to welcome Marian Quanbeck Dahlberg for a two day workshop entitled “Weaving with Linen Should Not be Scary!” on October 6 and 7, 2018. Marian is the force behind Vava! Veve! (which translates to the word... View Article
Our flax study will resume this year with the much anticipated FLAX PROCESSING DAY on May 26, beginning at 11 AM. Dave has constructed all of the tools we will need and last year’s crop of flax should be retted... View Article